
Welcome to issue 2 of The Wee Vine

We would like to thank everyone involved in the production and delivery of our first issue. Also many thanks to everyone who contacted us with feedback we do appreciate your comments.

This edition has a foodie feel to it with a story from Kippen Primary School, a recipe from Mark Silverwood from the Inn at Kippen, report on Kippen Burns Supper plus an alternative take on a Clooty Dumpling recipe.

There is a special report on the concert given by Ayman Jarjour held in Kippen Parish Church plus Club News from around the village and of course The Kippen Street Fayre plus much more.

We hope as many of our readers as possible will enter the Kippen Seats competition.

Once again thanks for all of your stories and information as without it we would not be able to publish.

Our next issue is scheduled for the end of July and the deadline for inclusion is 30 June.


Welcome to the first edition of The Wee Vine

In a conversation at one of our local hostelries, the topic of the lack of a magazine in Kippen came up. After a long debate, a few residents of Kippen decided to have a look at the feasibility of starting a new magazine to keep the residents informed of local events.
We have spent some months in the build up to this issue and we do hope you will find this edition informative and fun.

Our intention is to produce the printed version quarterly, with a supporting website to cater for extra information and photographs plus more up to the minute information in between print runs.

We are keen to receive any articles during the year and you can send these plus photographs (minimum 1MB) to enquiries@theweevine.org.

We are grateful to the local businesses and individuals that have supported the launch of The Wee Vine but we will need continuous support as we are not funded by advertising. You can help us to keep publishing by sending any donation no matter how small to our PayPal account at enquiries@theweevine.org or click the donation button in the donations section on this website.

Our next magazine will be published in April and the deadline for inclusion is 31 March.


In The Next Issue (Issue #2)

We have a few things planned already for issue 2.

Events such as the Burns Supper, and the Cancer Whist will be covered. (We already have a few photos from the Burns Supper to provide a sneak preview.)

As you will have seen, the current issue contains comprehensive coverage from the Primary School, thanks to Head Teacher Carole Logan and her staff and pupils. We hope to extend this to Arnprior Nursery as from the next issue.

Also, while we have coverage of a number of sports and activity clubs in the village, there are still more from whom we would hope to attract articles.

Moreover, as stated in our acknowledgement of help provided by supporters, we would welcome comment, criticism, requests. If, for instance, you are concerned about which is the concern of the Community Council, Stirling Council, the bus company, or any other external body, let us know by emailing us at enquiries@theweevine.org and we will endeavour to get the relevant body to give a response.

We would also welcome photographs (minimum size 1MB please), preferably accompanied by a few lines of text. We do work closely with the Kippen Facebook site, and will happily share content.