Community Affairs, General Information

Kippen Heritage

We are looking for people who are interested in the history of Kippen and have good IT skills.

You would be involved in recording the history and heritage of Kippen and making this available to all those interested.  This entails:

•       Scanning and filing (in the cloud) a large number of photos and documents.  The primary source for these is an archive spanning well over 100 years, which has been built up  This contains several thousand items.  A large part of this has already been archived, but there remains a sizeable task.

•       Using this material to build a comprehensive website.  This involves not simply transferring material (although that might sometimes suffice), but also building the material into a story in some cases – examples of this would be the smiddy, the big vine, the boatyard, the kirkyard. A small element of this phase has been done and awaits publication, but the vast majority remains to be completed.

Could anyone interested in becoming part of this team please contact Stuart Thomson at, or on 07736 362011.  Numbers permitting, we will then organise a team meeting to agree how to take this forward.

General Information

Woodland Group

Anyone who has ventured into Burnside Wood recently will have noticed that that pond was successfully cleared at the end of October thanks to a Community Grant from Stirling Council. It really had become overgrown and it was good to clear the vegetation before the numerous saplings became established. Recent rain means that the level is back to normal having been lowered to facilitate the clearance. We shall just have to wait for winter to pass before everything springs to life in the pond.


With the pond now cleared, we can focus our attention on keeping the paths well drained and clear of encroaching vegetation.  Woodland work mornings continue to be held on the first Sunday of the month, but we shall be meeting at the football pitch at the later start time of 11.00 on 3 February and 3 March. We still aim to finish by 13:00 and there will be no formal break for refreshment so that we make best use of the limited time that we are out for. If you are feeling a little sluggish at the start of the year, grab some old clothes and join us in the free green gym; there are tasks for those with little or lots of energy to expend, all tools provided.

Our next meeting will take place in the Cross Keys at 8pm on Thursday 7 February. Please come along if you are interested in influencing our activities for 2019 or just finding out a little more about what we get up to; we would love to see some new faces. For further information, email or find us on Facebook.

Paula Watson

Secretary, Kippen Community Woodland Group


General Information

Madagascan Haggis


This is the start of the journey of four brave haggis that departed from Skinner’s of Kippen in early December via Edinburgh, Heathrow, 24 hours in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, before continuing to Antanarivo in Madagascar, where they were met by a delighted Charge d’Affaires, who promptly put them in her deep freeze in anticipation of the Burns Night on 25th January 2019!


Annabel Gaywood

General Information

Bus Changes

017 scotland-east - first bus 400 x 400px stirling

From 7th January 2019 all Balfron C12 evening buses will revert to the daytime route via Dumbarton Road and will no longer go via Cambusbarron. There will be a slight difference in departure times from the bus station.

Stirling to Balfron buses will now leave at 18.44.  (19.10 Friday/Saturday only) 20.42.  22.59. There will also be a minor change to the Kippen to Stirling C12 19.47 which will now be at 19.50. Please note your arrival time in Stirling will be 10-12 minutes earlier on all evening buses due to the shorter journey. We hope the return to this route will encourage more people to go to Stirling in the evening, as access to restaurants, the Albert Hall and Smith Gallery will now be much easier.

Resolving the above issue has merely taken us back to where we originally were some years ago, so there is still a lot to do to improve public transport. The campaign for Sunday Transport is now top of the list. In order that Stirling Council understands the need for Sunday buses, residents from various villages have been contacting me to explain how important this is to them. If lack of Sunday transport affects you or someone you know please mention to me on the bus or contact the Wee Vine for my contact details.

Once again lack of heating has been a major issue on the Balfron Buses.  Please continue to report these and any other issues including water ingress. Complaints should also be reported to Stirling Council as these vehicles are used for school services as well as our C12/C12A which are all funded by the Council.

Valerie Brand







General Information


I’m rubbish at resolutions but not bad at habits. I think it may be the chaos of New Year, but in general I’m more of a habit-maker over time step-by-step, than start of the year resolving a major overhaul. Knowing this doesn’t prevent me from making New Year’s Resolutions with the best of them: read more, exercise more, take time to enjoy life, etc.

A lot of time I find my resolutions empty words, because they are what I think I should be doing, rather than changes I NEED. A friend a few years back introduced me to a more mindful contemplative practice from one year to the next: Hello/Goodbye. For the last few weeks (really days) of 2018, I’ve been pondering all that has happened in the year. The good, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful, all being remembered and pondered. For my nostalgia streak, I love remembering, but I also love seeing the seeds of beginnings and markers of endings woven into  every day and mundane occurrences. Here is where the fun begins as the year turns, I am considering what I’m being invited to say Hello to in 2019 and what I’m needing to let go of, say Goodbye to.

Opening my heart to habits that need adjusting, make the experiments I challenge myself to attempt realistic. I’m not attempting to change things in one fell swoop come the 1st January. I see the journey I’m already on and decide a next right step to where I think I may be going, whether that is a change of direction or just another step toward a goal.

In the Bible, these words of encouragement are written: ‘I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you…’ (2 Timothy 1: 6). Each of us has a gifting for life. I find one of the greatest challenges is to live into that gift, to trust who I am can change the world for the better if I just become better at being me, step by step. The practice of Hello/Goodbye at the transition of the year, and other life milestones, guides me to form the habits that are natural and experiment with things that push me to my limits. So here’s to another step on the journey of life, knowing more of who God has created me to  be, here and now. May you be blessed on your journey, too. Blessings & Peace, Ellen

Messy Church Upcoming Dates

3rd February 2019, 3- 5 pm (location TBC, watch for posters)

17th March 2019, 3-5 pm

Rev. Ellen Larson Davidson
Kippen linked with Norrieston
Parishes – Church of Scotland
Registered Charities: (Kippen) SC004286 & (Norrieston) SC028719

The Manse, Main Street
Kippen, Stirling FK8 3DN
01786871249 / 07412578997

General Information

Local Motive

Stephen Kerr MP for Stirling has welcomed the introduction of Kippen Beer “Local Motive” to the House of Commons Strangers’ Bar in Parliament.


The beer, brewed at Fallen Brewery just outside the Stirlingshire town of Kippen, has been added to the beer list at the well-known Strangers’  Bar at the request of Stirling’s MP. The bar is located inside the House of Commons and frequented by many MPs, staffers, and parliamentarians.

The Strangers’ Bar hosts beers from across the UK at the request of MPs, and recently hosted brews from Ayrshire and Norfolk. Fallen Brewery are the latest microbrewery to have the opportunity to have their beverage tasted by MPs and Parliamentarians.

Local Motive was originally brewed for the Cross Keys pub in Kippen, and is described as “Easy drinking but loads of flavour”

Stephen Kerr MP said: I’d like to thank the House of Commons admin team for accepting my request to have Local Motive added to the bar options. Stirling’s microbrewing industry is beginning to take off, and now MPs and staff from across the country will have the opportunity to try this quality beer brewed locally. ”

 A Fallen Brewery rep said: “We hope it goes down well and lubricates some positive discussions.”

Stephen Kerr MP

General Information

Volunteer Befrienders Needed

Could you spare a couple of hours a week to help reduce social isolation?

We are looking for volunteer befrienders to help people with early-moderate stage dementia to continue to live well.

We match befrienders with people who have similar interests. Befrienders will encourage their befriendee to pursue loved hobbies or simply provide companionship. Activities might include: visiting a garden centre, having a walk, watching a football match or even just having a coffee and chat in the person’s home for two hours per week (PVG registration, full training, ongoing support and expenses paid).

If you are interested, please contact the Befriending Co-ordinator at Town Break on (01786) 476797 or email

General Information


We are all familiar with the stories about the knock on the door and the offer to tarmac your drive for some cash, often resulting in the weeds breaking through in a few weeks!  That is just one of the scams and cons that many of us grew up hearing about. The direct ‘knock on the door’ still happens and we would all do well to remember that if the offer appears too good to be true then it usually is. 

However, over the past few years we have seen a huge growth in the more sophisticated frauds. Now our phone and the internet offer unlimited opportunities for criminals to bombard us with scams designed to part us from our hard-earned money. These range from the mass e mailings that only need a few people to be hoodwinked to realise a handsome return to those very sophisticated, almost individually tailored, scams that can appear extremely convincing.

I also want to see far more severe penalties introduced for those that profit from nuisance calls. Earlier this year I introduced a Bill in the House of Commons that would ensure the owners of companies that rip people off are held accountable. We must keep up the pressure on the Government to introduce the reforms needed. There should be no hiding place for those that seek to profit from this insidious industry.

With the seemingly endless variety of cons being thought up, it is imperative that people are well informed and that we all understand the bear traps constantly being laid in our path. Just last week I was told of a con involving cold calling, that informs homeowners their cavity wall insulation could be failing, and the helpful company on the end of the phone or on your doorstep will, for a fee of course, sort it all out – Beware.

With everyone being told to get online, and the apparently unstoppable move to a digital future, I am increasingly concerned that many of us are unable to keep pace with the continuous evolution and inventiveness of the fraudsters. Our society cannot simply push people on to this digital pathway without doing everything possible toensure they are fully equipped to combat the threat. We constantly upgrade our anti-virus software on our computer for good reason. We need to do the same personally to keep pace.

Always remember – Never give your bank or card details to anyone asking for it unless you are completely confident. Do not be taken in by notifications that something you use or subscribe to is about to be terminated or suspended. People with Paypal accounts are getting such e mails at the moment. I would ask that we all look out for friends, neighbours and family members that may be more vulnerable to being cheated. I have heard some terrible stories of life savings stolen and lives devastated. Do not be nervous about contacting the Police if you think someone is being taken advantage of.

Stephen Kerr MP

General Information

Have you, or anyone you know, been affected by cancer?

CRUK Strathendrick Local Committee is desperately looking for more members …. that could be you!

Main events each year are: –

  • Buchlyvie Band Night usually in February
  • House 2 House Spring Collection (volunteer collectors needed)
  • Ladies’ Autumn Lunch

Would you like to be involved in any of these fundraisers?

Last year we raised £21,750 for CRUK’s incredible work but sadly the committee is in danger of folding due to lack of members.

If you can spare some time please contact committee chairperson, Janet Rutherford on 01360 449214 or by email on

General Information

Middle Age Texting Codes

Middle Age Texting Codes

ATD – at the doctor

BFF – best friend fell

BTW – bring your wheelchair

BYOT – bring your own teeth

FWIW – forgot where I was

GGPBL – gotta go, pacemaker battery low

GHA – got heartburn again

IMHO – is my hearing aid on?

LMDO – laughing my dentures out

OMMR – on my massage recliner

ROFLACGU – rolling on the floor laughing and can’t get up

TTYL – talk to you louder!