Community Affairs

Kippen Community Woodland Group

As mentioned in the Spring issue, the Kippen Community Woodland Group has been awarded a Community Grant from Stirling Council to clear the pond. Alex Armstrong has been appointed and it is planned to carry out the clearance work on Saturday 27 October. As tempting as it was to carry out the work when the level in the pond was low over the summer, we are waiting until life in the pond is dormant. The water level in the pond will need to be lowered in advance to enable the work to be carried out safely and to avoid water damage to the excavator when it enters the pond.


To ensure the safety of all users of the wood, access to some of the paths next to the pond will be restricted whilst the clearance work is in progress. We would ask anyone passing by the pond on 27 October to respect any instructions given by members of the Woodland Group.  It is appreciated that the pond will look unsightly after the clearance work, but past experience has been that it recovers quickly.

In the Summer issue, the problem with littering in the middle of the wood where a “Fort” has been constructed was highlighted. Whilst litter is still being left next to the Fort, it is encouraging to note that that it is confined to a smaller area and glass bottles are being left intact rather than broken. Please could all those using the Fort remember to take their empties away with them as well as any littler that others have left behind.


Our Annual General Meeting will take place on Tuesday 13 November at 20.00 hours in the Cross Keys and anyone is welcome to attend. Donald Smith is looking to step down as Chair, presenting an opportunity for anyone else who is interested in an office-bearing position in the Woodland Group. If you are interested, please email  , come along to our AGM or join us on one of our woodland mornings (held on the first Sunday of each month).

Paula Watson

Secretary, Kippen Community Woodland Group